Big Perspective Shift that Changed Everything! (Its not what you think!)

One of the biggest Perspective shifts that had me first solidify those $10,000 months for me was this:


This is no joke, and it took me a LONG time to figure it out. I don't know about you, but when I was starting out as a coach I would get stuck in the overwhelm and disappointment phase because where I wanted to be was SO far from where I was, and what made it worse? I was planning for the present looking towards the future….

And when I did this, I would look forward towards the future and my mind would get caught up in worrying about whether I can overcome a number of stumbling blocks to achieving my goals… Not only that but looking from the present to the larger future forced me to look from a smaller picture to a bigger one- and it was so easy to miss things this way!!

This perspective shift changed everything for me guys- like everything. I realized that there are 2 components essentially to every successful business: vision and structure. I had solidified my vision and was in aligned with where I was going… but I was approaching my structure completely backwards!
The shift was realizing that I had to plan FROM THE LARGER FUTURE TO THE PRESENT!


By starting with the larger picture of the future, thinking I had already achieved my goals, I can imagine things with certainty- I act as if Im in the future then look back to see how I did it! My brain seems to think I have already managed the difficulties along the way!!!

From this place of "thinking big", I then had to put the structures in place to support the vision. Thinking big is not enough without structure. I then broke things down into steps and momentum would kick in taking me to my next stage of growth..continuously!

*** What is your experience with starting from the future and working backwards with business structure and vision?

I would love to hear!! :)

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)

PS- Ready to learn more Conscious Coaching Tips like this? Join our FREE community of high vibrational entrepreneurs here!  



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Did you hear the Big News!? that was fun! Nothing much more exciting than talking to a bunch of power hourse women who have huge vision to transform their lives and those around them- one vision at a time!

If you didn't get a chance to watch the lifestream in the Emotional Eating Facebook Group then not to worry, Ive got it here for you! If you haven't joined the group, be sure to do so to get instant access to all the updates-  much more to be revealed in the coming weeks!

Some highlights from today's disclosure??

Not to worry! I will still be serving Emotional Eating Coaches and sharing the specific tools and techniques needed for this work..BUT- Once coaches have the foundational steps for working with Emotional eaters, they realized that they wanted to learn how to go deeper with the conscious coaching model and use it with all their clients- THIS is what I will be bringing to all of you!

Why the Transition?? 

Entrepreneurs started approaching me …. not only emotional eating coaches, but life coaches, business coaches, MLM leaders, and various independent entrepreneurs who recognized that the model I work with, which is based on CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) was something that was needed in order to really facilitate long term, consistent change with clients, a steady flow of the right kind of clients, and a higher success rate of both selling to clients and having them be successful with all sorts of programs!

Of course I had to meet this need and realized there was no option but to expand my intention of women THINKING BETTER in a way BIGGER way! 

So what is the CCM??

The method is practical and useful tools designed to break negative belief systems and stress which you can use in yoru own business or on your clients.

The method works in two steps :By first identifying challenging and upsetting events,and then by creating an entirely new perception (a new blueprint) of the event! This way you/ or the client doesn't feel a victim to the thought anymore. This is based on CBT and so it really hits at the deeper level negative beliefs.

The system combines neuroscience, cognitive restructuring and inner child re-programming and empowers individuals to create an entirely new file system (their minds are full of old thoughts and beliefs that get filed into different sections)- they update their programming from 1999 to 2016 using this 2 part process and become present and conscious in their lives !!

Simply put the CCM ( conscious coaching method) is a system that creates healing and self empowerment in all areas by allowing the client to change his/her own files. It works on an experiential level with a skilled facilitator  (there are some in our group!) who is able to have the client see how their thoughts and beliefs are distorted and help them reframe in a way that actually lasts for good (unlike affirmations that are a temporary relief).

 I will be giving you insights that you can take away and implement immediately and start to play with the model in terms of really exploring emotional blocks in your business or with your clients as well!!

Whats most unique about this method is its truly about MASTERING your thinking- not coping..

A lot of techniques coaches and mentors use are coping techniques (affirmations, visualization, mantras, visualization boards). They arnt bad but they do not work long term- the client or coach gets triggered or stress and they are right back in the negative thinking again. 

This method works to eradicate the old thought for good- like files in a computer system- its does a complete re-boot- an update so that they don't come back again and the client has these tools to use for life…This method takes clients from the past  the outdated old file) and brings them back to the present ( updated file).

When you are conscious you have choice in your life!

As a result, clients experience immense motivation, inspiration, courage, happiness because they see possibility they have never seen before.

So while I will still be teaching emotional eating coaches how to use this model with their clients and will still be teaching a very specific step by step method for your clients to recover- I will now expand the process to all entrepreneurs who work with anyone who is stuck in their own thinking or emotional issues and it is preventing them from reaching their goals!

This could be clients who:

  • cant lose weight
  • relationship issues
  • not meeting business goals
  • confidence and self esteem
  • clarity and productivity
  • are uncertain about buying- you can clear the negative thoughts they have and SELL to them authentically.
  • ….. And the list goes on!

I have ALSO used this model with other coaches who lack confidence and clarity therefore they are not getting where they want to in their business. These are mostly health and life coaches who are somewhat introverted and are trying to do the "checklist" to get going in the business but have not really developed congruency and alignment in their values, their business model and their vision, therefore they don't get anywhere.. this is where the conscious coaching work comes in. They get super confident in leadership using this model- because of course they clear away the old belief systems ( the files) that have them stuck.


If you didn't get to check out the live stream, be sure to do that HERE!

 I would LOVE to hear your take-aways and any questions you have so please share below! I look forward to serving YOU in a bigger and brighter way!

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)


To Recap!

  1. Nothing has changed in terms of getting support with emotional eaters- but now you will have the opportunity to go much deeper with the work!

This is MASTERY level cognitive restructuring!!

  1. You can use this method and the tools I will teach if you are : an entrepreneur, a life or business coach, in an MLM, a nutritionist, dietician, TCM, health or relationship coach or any other solo service based business.


  1. You will begin to gain confidence, clarity and understanding in how important your value systems and beleifs are to yoru brand, to yoru business and most imporntntly to your sales using the teachings I will provide


  1. You will develop a PASSION for mastery level leadership using tools that not only shift your own and your clients thinking- but actually transform lives- I mean radically!



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Im so excited, I can barley stand it!  And Im so happy to be sharing with you :)

After months of slowly uncovering the big changes, and up-levelling happening in Emerging Jewel, I am more than thrilled to be uncovering them all with you- my tribe!

Firstly, please let me take this moment to thank you for making the time to read and share the blogs over the past several years and for truly being a part of my vision on the planet ..that women may continue to THINK BETTER and live amazing, full, joyful lives!

In living this vision I have been getting nudges and full out screams from the Universe that the Conscious Coaching Model, (the cognitive work I use with emotional eating coaches) needed to be shared in a bigger way! the Universe heard this passion, of course, I began to be approached by several entrepreneurs wanting to learn the very same techniques I have been sharing with Emotional Eating Coaches to use with any client who is stuck or suffering in any way!

Well, I knew I had to listen and bring this work out into the world to facilitate with more visionaries and coaches and so I began to facilities the cognitive work with entrepreneurs who had their own negative beliefs, and lack of confidence around their business, and I couldn't believe what began to happen!

Serious shifts guys. Like crazy!

Whats most unique about this method is its truly about MASTERING your thinking- not coping.. a lot of techniques coaches and mentors use are coping techniques (affirmations, visualization, mantras, visualization boards). They are helpful of course… but they do not work on a deep level, long term. If the client or coach gets triggered or stress and they are right back in the negative thinking again. 

So I realized that I needed to really serve this community in a bigger way. I need to be sharing this technique and the facilitation model that has people break free from ALL emotional and blocked areas…for good!

I got LIVE HERE today in the Emotional Eating Facebook Group and shared a bit more about these changes- and made an announcement of an important call happening live in the group tomorrow, August 22nd at 10am pst!!

For event invite click here now!!! :  EVENT INVITE!!

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Here is where I will give you all the in's and out's of the changes and exactly what you can expect int he coming months- and Im telling you..its REALLY JUICY!!  You are my number one guest so please add yourself to the list!

Ok, so I can't wait to see you at 10 am tomorrow in the Emotional Eating Facebook Group where I will be giving you all the juicy details of new teachings and trainings coming your way and why this is going to take things to the next level both personal and professionally for you!

See you Soon…Eeek!

In Freedom and Unity,

Shelley :)

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Create Safety and Presence in Your Sessions: CCM, Part 1.

There has been some incredible studies on the differences between the right and left hemisphere of the brain  and Im here to tell you that as coaches..we REALLY need to understand this stuff.

Here's why.

13015350_645582662256195_8870186522509770677_nThese 2 hemispheres are like 2 people in our head that see the world really VERY differently. While the right hemisphere is all about relationships, with a flowing, emergent quality, rich with paradox in a "more than words can say" kind of way…

The left hemisphere takes what is flowing from the right and re-presents it. It takes apart whats already come in and creates systems, tools, programs, and algorithms. It, loves goals, tasks, and behaviours. It thrives on a sense of uncertainty and stability and it needs control.

Most people operate primarily from the left hemisphere and as coaches..this is where we can really get into trouble when it comes to connecting deeply and really being present for our clients. The left side can objectify others, and try to shape them into what we feel is "right for them". We do this with very good intentions of course…wanting to "help more" but in fact it creates a sense of isolation and disconnect for the clients.

When a coach does not trust in her own direction, her own capacity to resonate, respond and follow her clients, the left hemisphere kicks in and trust and facilitation go out the window…

We always want to be moving towards the right- towards warm relationships with clients understanding that our clients truly have an innate wisdom within them that will present itself when the coach is creating the presence and safety required. 

So am I suggesting you throw out all the plans and session headlines you learned in nutrition school and embrace simply an intuitive knowing of where to go next in each session?


The first part of the Conscious Coaching Model (CCM) is about learning how to really trust yourself as a coach and embody the confidence that has you able to listen deeply and intuitively to the needs of your clients. Of course you will still you left hemisphere systems and strategy as necessary, but connection must come first so if this is sabotaged in any way by these left brained tactics I suggest you do away with them until connection has been made.

Join me here as I share more!

So amazing coaches, now is the case you have been waiting…to embrace and trust your inner knowing, so let go of the tight grip on session targets and guidelines and really listen to the inherent treatment plan that each individual client brings to the table.  

When we as coaches trust the process, we allow our clients to in turn begin to trust themselves.

What a gift.

Would love to hear how you are guiding this beautiful dance between the left and right hemisphere in your practice, please share below! :)

Know someone who can benefit from this? Feel free to pass it along!

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)




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The Lie that Coaches Believe that Takes them Out…

After working with coaches over the past several years, I have found that those who are successful have all gotten there by….. ( drum roll please) falling in love with their work.

Its that simple. Because of that love they develop the drive, momentum and initiative it takes to continually improve their skills and their outcomes.

From what I can see, Knowing this however, does not stop coaches from believing the MYTH: " I can't".

And heres why:

New coaches start off enthusiastic and driven but then realize that there is much more to having business than wanting to help people. They start to look around at what others are doing and jump to the checklist to try to gain some momentum. Do I have the website? the logo? the branding? the insurance? the webinars? the email list…and it goes on.

And what happens next? They shortly thereafter start to dislike what they are doing. They feel depleted, uninspired and less than their peers. This drives coaches to spending more money on the "checklist"…more copyrighters, more Facebook posts…more training programs.

Many go broke at this point…or quit.

They have bought into the idea that some people are just innately MORE TALENTED than they are. Some people were born to be entrepreneurs..but not them….

Rather than understanding that their belief systems are wired for defeat, they believe there is something inherently wrong with them.

And guess what? Emotional eaters invariably believe the same thing! They believe they are defective..they believe they are addicted..they believe they will never make it. They believe that others received something at birth that they never got…control.

So if you want to help, and serve and become a real success, you must give up the " I CAN'T" lie. Everyone has talent, but running a business takes hard work. It takes commitment, drive, inspiration, consistency..but most of all it takes LOVE.

And how do you LOVE what you do? You clear away the blockages that are getting in the way of your own success. You make the decision that you will do whatever it takes.
You put the effort into aligning your values with your work and getting real clear on what you want. You reframe belief systems and do the work to stay present and conscious.

You decide. Thats it.


You got this. Its a done deal. Create passion…and the rest is history :)  

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)

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Living in Truth


One of the most common characteristics of a problematic eater is an inability to speak up. I see women who do not speak their truth, and live in a place that is not in alignment with their value systems and highest good all too often in my practice....

There is no guilt or shame in being stuck in this place. I for one, lived it for many years. When you are not connected to yourself, and feel disconnected to the world, it is very difficult to speak up and create healthy boundaries with others, never mind share what you feel and need from one moment to the next.

When you begin to take down the walls of problematic eating, you develop an intimate relationship with yourself. You begin to realize that you cannot settle.
Not in any area of life.
No matter what happens, you have to honour yourself.

The healing that comes from this process is powerful, not only on a psychological and emotional level, but of course it transforms the body on a physical level as well. Healing Problematic eating will light a fire in you. Its not something you have any control of. When you make the decision to do whatever it takes to live in your highest truth, you have no option but to create the most loving relationship with food as possible.- and more importantly with yourself. Its like any relationship you have.

It takes conscious effort, love, compassion and dedication. Its much easier than our minds make it up to be. When you live life in a place of your highest truth, it doesnt mean there isn’t pain sometime, or sorrow. This is the work I do with clients- this is what the cognitive approach facilitates. There is simply nothing quite like it.  I want you to experience this too!

If you are on the fence, I encourage you to join us. This work will create a freedom in your practice, in your life and in your business you ever imagined possible. It cant not.

LAST CALL - Sale ends Tonight!

Join here:
Breaking Free SALE!

Questions? Dont hesitate:

In Unity and Freedom,


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I Actually Quit Coaching at one Point…

Just 8 years ago, I was stressed out working in this industry as a health coach.Too many times my clients would come back week after week without making any progress. They would lose a few pounds just to gain it all back again.

Every session with a client like this was torture because they told me everything was OK… but nothing changed. They felt frustrated and hopeless because they just couldn’t stick to the plan we agreed to.

I would feel insecure and unsure because I didn’t know how to help them. I knew my plan worked but the clients just couldn’t follow through. Eventually the clients stopped showing up for their sessions or they ran out of sessions without making much progress.

They had hired me to help them create lasting change in their life… and I had failed.
I was burnt out and frustrated at how “hard” it was to help people stick to food plans, and I was getting bored of talking about smoothies and watching people suffer behind the scenes.
I was working too hard for too little money, and in my heart I knew I wasn’t making the meaningful impact I was born for.

I became exhausted and stressed out. I felt I wasn’t working in a place where I was really making the kind of impact in health and wellness that I desired.
I actually stopped seeing clients at this point. I just couldn’t do it anymore.
I was tired of seeing every client show up asking for help with “food” when it was actually a deeper emotional issue.

I Actually quit coaching at this point; I just couldn't do it anymore.

The big “A-HA” moment came to me when I was sitting with a friend who had watched me on my own journey from hell and back with food recovery.
I had prayed for inspiration. She simply asked me why I wasn’t sharing what I had done to recover from emotional eating all these years…and I realized how healed myself was exactly what needed to be shared.

Relief flooded through my body. This new (and obvious but not clear) idea was exciting and liberating. I knew there was a more fulfilling, happier business waiting for me.
I was an emotional eater to the core…and I healed myself with mentorship and cognitive strategies I use today but I was stuck as to how to share this with others in a way that was simple, effective and would have them coming back to do the work and heal!

The Cognitive Approach with the Conscious Coaching Method changed my life.

I realized I had to be sharing this work so other coaches could create the global impact they were meant to and their clients could have full recovery from any emotional eating issues at all.

It changed my clients lives. It continues to inspire health professionals globally and is now reaching doctors, TCM's, Naturopaths, and dieticians globally.

Wellness practitioners NEED a step by step process to deal with problematic eating. They need specific, clear techniques that WORK, and can be used by anyone.
Ive done this work for you and Im sharing it because my MISSION is to empower every health practitioner with the cognitive tools that saved my own life, and are scientifically proven to be the BEST tools for eating issues in therapeutic Psychology.
The Breaking Free Practitioner Program is at a HUGE discount and many have already jumped on board! I have decided to extend this for 2 more days- only for those here!!

Here's what just a couple of practitioners are saying..

"As a Holistic Nutritionist and Eating Psychology Coach, Shelley’s Food Freedom program has provided me with another unique practical tool for my practice. It compliments my eating psychology studies perfectly but doesn’t overlap with what I have already learned. I highly recommend Food Freedom to nutritionists, health coaches, and Eating Psychology Coaches who work with problematic eaters. Thanks for a great tool Shelley"!- Christy

My practice has blossomed since I took this course and I feel it was the best decision I have made in terms of bringing my business to the next level. Shelley is very skilled at this process and in teaching it. She walked me through step by step and was there to answer any questions I had. I highly recommend this course!" – Gina Ledwith, Health Coach

I invite you to join us in creating transformation on a global level with problematic eating! I look forward to personally walking you through this cognitive work! Join HERE!

See you soon :)

In Unity and Freedom,


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Food Cravings and The Countdown!


With problematic eaters you must be very careful not to start with " food transfers" right at the beginning of their recovery. It seems to make sense to try to "fix" what appears broken but without a system, problematic eaters will not heal- and bandaids are not solutions as many emotional eating coaches understand.

Problematic eating is NOT a "food" issue. Of course, you will deal with the food but unless you look at the thoughts, emotions, patterns and behavior associated with these, your clients will have a hard time sticking to any diet change.
There is a very systematic process that WORKS with emotional eaters. I have used it for years with great success and if followed as laid out, it completely shifts the underlying issue with food, and makes your job a lot easier!

You do not need to be a counsellor to do this work. You do not need to have a masters degree. you just need a clear system that brings your clients into a place of RECOVERY rather than diet mentality.

This is not as easy as looking at an emotion. There is more to it.

I want to help you make this practice EASIER- it should not be stressful. I want to give you the proven system that has helped hundreds recover. It has brought me to a place of ease and grace in my practice- and a deep happiness knowing I am truly changing lives.

Many have been asking about the SUMMER BLITZ only THIS WEEK on my:
Breakthrough Practitioners Training Program!

…And I want to offer anyone who has not worked with me yet, a complimentary Discovery call to see if this is a fit for you- and if not, what your next steps should be!

Send me a PM and Im happy to jump on a call with you! I have only 3 spots available!

This special deal is for this week ONLY. I look forward to serving anyone who is really wanting to make a difference in this area :)

For some answers to commonly asked questions about the program, click here:   LIVE Q AND A!

See you there!

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)


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4 Private Call Spots Available!

If I could do it..So can you…

Many of you know my story.

Most of you know that I suffered with an eating disorder from the very young age of 7.
I would walk to the bus top in the morning, just having finished breakfast and eat all of my lunch there before getting to school.

I started purging by high school and gained almost 70 pounds in a very short time.My weight fluctuated daily and I had 3 sizes of clothes in my closet for 15 years. I lost my period for a year and was told i was " in trouble" by several specialists.
Then I was introduced to the cognitive work, which later inspired, The Conscious Coaching Model. This was more than understanding the Psychology of what I was doing- this is specific behavioral changes paired with pro-active thinking strategies that I used on an ongoing basis.

What I didn't understand before working with this model was that no thought is rent free. Another words, I was either moving towards my health goals or away for them, depending on the distorted thoughts I came to believe that were true! When I learned how to integrate this system into my life, I got conscious- and I realized, that when you are conscious, you have choice!

My life changed.

I recovered, one day at a time.
I will never be able to thank the man that introduced this to me.
After I recovered i was inspired. I trained with him for years and developed simple tools to use as needed.

Then I became a health coach.

I thought I had to do teach people what I learned in school- I tried to teach

" food" and all the 'do's " and don'ts in nutrition..

It didn't work..people wouldn't stick to it..we were both frustrated...and I actually quite coaching..until I realized I was actually doing more damage than good with problematic eaters- I knew enough from my own story..I had to be sharing the cognitive work.

I wrote the Cogntive Program- the exact strategies I used to heal..the specialized cognitive techniques and the the step by step strategy for emotional eating..and it worked!

Hundreds recovered and I knew this was important work to share.

Coaches started asking me about it.

I wrote " The Breaking Free Practitioners Training Program" and it has helped hundreds of coaches transition to a level of work that is inspiring, truthful, direct, specific and fundamental to emotional eating, and it is changing lives!

More Info Here: Breaking Free Practitioner Training SALE
If you want to learn more about how you can add this work to your practice- regardless of what your niche is, I invite you to a 1:1 sessions with me. I promise- you will use this..for much more than eating!!

It has made me WANT to do this work. It has made me EXCITED to be a coach again.
…AND IT BROUGHT IN MY FIRST 10,000 LAUNCH, WHICH CONTINUES TO GROW MONTHLY! I am now teaching health professionals, TCM's , Naturopaths and doctors this work- its so so important!

 I am offering a short discovery call for those who have never worked with me before to see if this is a fit in you practice. I have 4 spots left available until MONDAY ! First come first serve- cant wait to share this guys! :)

Email me at : to grab a spot!

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)

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48 Hour Flash SALE!

Emotional Eating Coaches- The most effective Tools for YOU!!!

What a fantastic live training last night right!? Replay is available for 48 hours if you were not able to make it! We covered so many juicy bits like: the background of neuroscience and cognitive restructuring, how mindfulness and intuitive eating are not enough, why clients are struggling years longer than they need to and how the Conscious Coaching Model got me out of the stress of all this and into success..for me AND they women I worked with!

I am excited to share that I am also offering a HUGE DISCOUNT on my Breaking Free Practitioners Training Program, starting NOW, and only for a very SHORT TIME! 

If you could wave a magic wand and create health business that served every client’s needs but could also keep your own specialization what would that look like?

-A lucrative health business that brings in ideal clients you LOVE to work with?
-A sense of relaxation and satisfaction being able to share in a way that doesn’t have you feeling drained with clients?
-A confidence in coaching that empowers you to take your niche and expand it tenfold using cognitive strategies in whatever you do?
-Abundant, consistent cash flow that allows you to give generously to yourself and others
-Deep happiness and fulfillment knowing you’re making a bigger, more meaningful impact with your gifts?
-The freedom to let go of worry and stress associated with clients not “sticking” to the program?
-Deep fulfillment and joy because you’re making the impact you were born for?
-A “done for you” program with all the tools to take your business from mediocre to thriving
-Easy to use, cognitive exercises to use with clients who are stuck with old eating habits, or any stress or emotional issues at all!

If you are like many of my clients you may be feeling:

-Frustrated with the revolving door of clients who can’t seem to break their bad acting habits
-Exhausted trying to figure out how to help clients who don’t believe your program will work
-Overwhelmed because of a lack of resources to truly serve an emotional or compulsive eater
-Tired of spending $5000 a year on programs that don’t really help you go deeper with clients
-Fed up of working evenings and weekends to try to widen your reach in your practice

You’re in the right place if…

-You’re tired of launching food plans that don’t “stick” and you want to create deeper change
-You’re confused about how to serve emotional eaters and don’t know where to start
-You don’t have time to create a new coaching program that works for ALL clients
-You are attracting clients that don’t stick to food plans or who are a lot of work
In fact, you are exhausted of putting out effort and getting little in return.
-You are noticing many clients do not believe that your program will work…therefore they don’t have success
-You want to feel confident to work with ANY client that comes in the door
-You don’t know where to start when it comes to offering info products or programs

….And you’re stuck. Your business is a lot of work with little return and difficult clients.

Curing Emotional Eating is easier than you might think…

I’ve walked this path and learned from personal experience – it IS possible and easier than you might think when you have the right technique and tools.
If I can do it, YOU can do it. Here’s how I made the leap…

Breaking Free Problematic Eating Practitioners Training Program ( BFPTP)

Trust your vision to leverage your business in emotional eating, and commit to making it REAL.

You need to start now.
Don't wait- this $200.00 DISCOUNT IS LIMITED to the next 48 hours!
Im here to answer any questions at all- feel free to send me a message!

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)

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Free Call- $10,000 Game Changer in Emotional Eating Coaching!

Wellness Professionals!

Great News!

I have been asked a lot lately on how I created $10,000 months using the Conscious Coaching Model and I will be offering a FREE LIVE CALL to share material I have not yet shared before! I will explain how you can leverage your time and make money, while still serving in an authentic way- that connects to YOU, YOUR BRAND, and YOUR VISION on this planet!

This is for you if :

  • You are a health professional who wants to expand their practice and learn how to successfully heal emotional eating! ( About 90% of your clients ARE in fact eating emotionally in some way!)
  • You are looking to powerfully take your own work to the next level and learn the: 5 top proven cognitive strategies based in neuroscience.
  • You are ready to go deeper with clients. You need to be inspried in your work, and you want to embrace a 10,000 launch in this industry!

Who is your Call Host?

As many of you know, I recovered from a life threatening eating disorder using the cognitive techniques I will share, and trained with a Cognitive Specialist for 8 years on the strategies in this proven coaching approach! 

 I also had my first $10,000 launch once I implemented these strategies!

Join me on this free live call to discuss the Cognitive Behaviour Technique, and how it can take your business to the next level, increase your client reach by serving this population, and help you successfully and powerfully coach your clients. FREE LIVE CALL - Graphic 2

What you will get on the call:
-Build your client reach by learning how to work with emotional eaters successfully!
-How to have a client walk out of your office full of hope, and ready to heal… on the first session.
-Understand how to coach effectively without getting involved in clients stressful stories- avoid burnout!
-Learn specific tools to get confident helping ANY emotional or compulsive eater.
-Walk away with proven tools to use in your practice immediately to get RESULTS with emotional eaters!

* Please note: you must REGISTER for this event!
REGISTER FOR THE CALL by clicking on the link below!

Register here!

I can't wait to share with you all- be sure to sign up to access the call details!

I Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)

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This is WHY You Can Never Be A Fraud


If you are new to the field or maybe new to working with emotional eaters, you may have had this dreadful thought, " Im a fraud". Its the belief that will take you out of the game faster than anything else..and it simply can't be true!

I want to tell you why.

This whole deal- your business…are you ready?….Its not about you!

Thats right. Its not about you at all.

Its about you getting out of your own way to serve and show up and its really none of your business who participates. Once we understand this important truth- everything gets a whole lot easier!

I used to worry about getting online, launching programs and creating copy- but now i realize that my job is to share my truth and my knowledge and trust that the perfect people will show up to work with me- and that continues to be my experience! Visit the live video that was created in the Emotional Eating Coaches Facebook Group here as I launched into this juicy topic!

I realized that so many coaches are still stuck in this place and this was some of the fears that surfaced in the 5 day challenge last week, so I wanted to be sure to address it right away! Those of you who jumped into the challenge with both feet understand the power of getting clear on your itch and doing the juicy restructuring work we did last week! I have heard so many "ah-ha's" and so many coaches are launching forward with new projects and a lot less fear!

This is the first part of the Conscious Coaching Model : Restructuring Thought. There are many ways to do it and it varies depending on many factors but it is the first essential step in an emotional turnaround! However- its NOT the only step!!

If you want to master your thinking and your motivation, as well as your success in your business, you must complete the 2nd step: Reframing Belief. Because I know that you want to be DONE with this negative nellie stuff so you can get on with your business in a powerful way I want to give you the chance to COMPLETE the process with me!

Only for the next 4 days I am offering a 1:1 session to show you just how to complete the Productive Thinking Model Reframe so that you can share this process with your clients as well! For this very limited time, I am offering this sessions at a 50% discount! I will ONLY be working with 6 people at $95.00 USD. This is an absolute, crazy steal- but I really want to give you the opportunity to do this incredible work with me! Act fast because only 6 coaches have the opportunity for this slashed 1:1, 60 minute reframe session! If you didn't have time to get in on the challenge- no worry, we can fly through the process so that you have a full understanding on the call!

First come, first serve so email me quick here:

WHY? Because you deserve to get rid of this stuff once and for all!

See you soon!

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)



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BONUS for the 5 Day Challenge!


Today I wanted to share with you a BONUS VIDEO HERE, as the completion to the 5 Day Productive Thinking Challenge!

You will find some action steps..and some juicy tools to use in your practice of course:)

I would love to hear how this journey was for you- you are all so inspiring. Thanks for showing up in your magnificence this week!

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)

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Grand Finale of the Productive Thinking Model!


The reason I am so inspired by the writing you did in the Facebook Group: 5 Day Challenge this week is because I could relate to so so much of it! 

Being a recovered addict and a recovered bulimic I have been to hell and back in my life and I truly understand the place of desperation, of fear, anxiety, and just not feeling like I had what it took to really succeed in this thing called life.

The productive thinking model is a part of my story… I learned how to dig into what was really going on rather than getting caught up in the itches that I thought were my truth. When I was finally able to get honest with myself about what was holding me back, that was one real freedom really began!

I got willing to do whatever it took to get well and succeed… And the same spiral happened for me when I started my business also! I was right back at the bottom feeling hopeless and scared and unsure if I really had what it took to make it in this industry!

Ironically, I realized the same thoughts… The same itches that held me back as a young woman who struggled with addiction and dissociation with food, we're the same thoughts and beliefs that I had about myself that were preventing me from moving forward in my business! They had once again resurfaced on another level!

Luckily I had these conscious coaching tools because without them I never would be where I am today. There is no way… I was paralyzed with my beliefs… I'm not good enough, I will never make it, and I don't have what it takes, I don't have the time, I don't have the money, I'm not a leader… And so on.

But willingness and surrender have always been key in my life and so as we came through this week, I once again was reminded of where possibility lies… It doesn't exist in those spots of fear and depletion. Possibility comes from the mind – truly.

I love the vision of the lotus flower… This amazing, incredible, beautiful flower that grows out of the mud, rocks, and hard earth… It is only through this environment that it survives! We have to go through our itches to come out the other side. I acknowledge each and everyone of you for doing that this week!

Please know that you have until Sunday to respond to all five videos! You will then qualify for a prize! Join me here for the GRAND FINALE VIDEO posted today for you action steps!!lotus

And…stay tuned tomorrow for one final video, which you do not need to respond to unless you desire to do so… But will be my gift to you… And you will want to listen to this one! I will be finishing off this process for you all!

In the meantime, I would love to know how this Challenge has been for you – and why you think it is beneficial to do this work?!
If it has been difficult – why do you think this is the case?

Stay tuned for the finish! 🌸🙏

In Unity and Freedom Always,

Shelley :)


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Day 5! Woot Woot!!!

You made it!

I really want to just say I am so inspired by the many women who took part in this week's 5 day challenge. It is not easy to get vulnerable, visible and be real about what isn't working in some area of life.

We all have thoughts and beliefs that get in the way of our dreams and desires in life. Every one of us. And as Emotional Eating Coaches, we certainly see this in our work as well! It is so important that we clear away anything that isn't serving in our own lives so that we can take a stand for our clients who are also stuck with "itches" that get in their way! We often don't realize just how much these itches are affecting all areas of our lives and how a slight shift in perspective can truly create miracles! One of my favourite quotes, " To Thine Own Self Be True", comes to mind here :)

On day 5 you are asked to write your Target Future..what you imagine your life to be like without your itch. I just loved the juiciness of the posts shared In the Emotional Eating Coaches Group, and I can't wait to hear what you come up with as well!IMG_0896

If you haven't yet had a chance to play with us, you cans still qualify for a prize by commenting on all 5 videos by Sunday! Go here now to watch Video 5!

Stay posted for an added bonus video on the Productive Thinking Model coming soon!!

In Unity and Freedom, 

Shelley :)

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Day 4 Productive Thinking Challenge!

Its Day 4 !

Wow, I am blown away by the truth and authenticity being shared on the Emotional Eating Coaches Facebook group and if you haven't had a chance to come join the fun- you have until Sunday to respond to the videos and qualify for a prize!

Day 4 is about beginning to summarize all the parts of the "itch" and really starting to see how its affecting your life, and others in your life.

It is also about opening up to a great perspective and viewpoint on your niche. You see- what most people get stumped on is that one pesky perspective that feels like sticky glue and just wont let up…making things worse by the day! By looking at the "itch" from a slightly different viewpoint, radical change is possible!

Today I ask that you bring your mind to the future rather than thinking about the itch in the present..What would things look like without the itch? What would be different? How would others act? What would be the consequence and the benefit?

I can't wait to read all of your responses! Have fun posting on the page and getting juicy with Video 4 here !

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)

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Challenge: Day 3 ! Whats the Information??

Welcome to Day 3 of our 5 Day Challenge everyone- its been amazing! The Productive Thinking Model is slowly being revealed this week and the lightbulb moments are more than inspiring to witness!

Find the Recording Here!

I am so impressed by the vulnerability and truth..and courage of those who are digging into doing their own mindset work in this challenge!

Each of you is magnificent and each of you deserve to be in alignment with your highest value and mission in your work. When we have thoughts that are not identified, and are not visible, it is very difficult to move forward with our vision and to be motivated to create and inspire!
This process is meant to relive the monkey mind chatter and provide an opportunity for focus and alignment.

On video 3 you are asked to list what you know and do not know about your itch. Be sure to listen to the entire recording- and share your “wonder questions” with us on the Facebook page link! This will help you get clear about what you really need to know to understand and move forward with your “itch”!

If you are not part of our growing supportive community of conscious coaches, be sure to come find us here!

Please share below what you are noticing so far in this process, I would love to hear!

See you soon, on Day 4!

In Unity and Freedom,
Shelley 🙂

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Free Training: Productivity Thinking Model! Day 2!


I am so impressed by the vulnerability and truth that came out of the first day of our challenge and I want to thank each one of you- not only for a space in your in box, but for sharing so openly and honestly on the post!

Those of you who know my vision know that I am an entrepreneur committed to congruency in my work and alignment with my biggest vision- to help others change the thoughts that get in the way of them building the business and life they truly deserve.shelley4

Being introduced to the conscious coaching model many years ago, I had no idea what an impact it would have on my life. If recovering from an eating disorder and addiction wasn't enough, it had me show up for my life in ways I never imagined. Moving to India, quitting my job and starting my own business all within 2 years!

The cognitive techniques are the basis of my work and what I love about the model is that I don't have to sacrifice myself anymore in my work- this was the freedom I had been looking for for so many years!

I have been teaching a small part of this model in our Emotional Eating Facebook Group this week! Day 2 is up and the sharing has just been amazing! Very vulnerable and real. Im excited to se the "ah-ha's" that come out of this in just a few days!

Be sure to join the fun and comment on Video 2! Just for an extra added bonus, I will be offering a prize to those who comment on all 5 videos each day!

See you there!

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)

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FREE Productive Thinking Training- Day 1 Challenge Here!

Coaches, I am SO excited…Eek!!

This week I am offering a 5 Part CHALLENGE on our Facebook Page! Actually we started yesterday and the response was enormous! Were you in on the action?

If not, no worry, there is still time! Just head over to our Emotional Eating Facebook Page HERE to get in on the action!

You can Find Video 1 Here!

If you decide to participate and engage (you're crazy not to- you will LOVE this its fun!), you will walk away with a system to use to get clear and congruent on anything in your life- especially your business!

I am going to walk you through a "Productive Thinking Process" but you must participate by answering the questions I ask in each video, sharing your response and engaging in discussion in all 5 parts to get the full benefit and….qualify to win a sweet gift prize!

That right. I will be offering an opportunity to qualify for a prize for those who comment and participate fully in each of the 5 trainings as part of the challenge :)

Are you ready to take your thinking..and your business to the next level guys?? eek!!! excited. :)

Ok, so don't wait to start- day 1 is over and I will be posting Day 2 video today!

See you there! 

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)


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How to STOP Triggers for Emotional Eaters- FREE Webinar Info!


I have been hearing for months that one of the biggest challenges working with clients who have emotional or compulsive eating issues is that they get "triggered" and their greatest day goes sideways in a matter of minutes!

Coaches try strategies such as "distraction" having the clients head out for a run or start a morning meditation practice, but at the end of the day…their clients just can't stay consistent to the food plan and they are not happy with themselves..or their progress.

What most people still do not totally understand is that problematic eating ( any problem you clients have with food) is its not about the food.

Thats right..Its not about the food…even the FOOD Trigger is not about the food itself!

Crazy right? So what is it about?

Well, its about the thoughts, which cause emotions which cause behavioural pattern that your clients come to believe is part of who they are. They take these patterns on like a "defective badge of honour", and walk around with guilt and shame about why they just can't figure out this darn "food thing".

The belief system that they are defective becomes ingrained and that in itself can be a trigger to overeat or punish themselves somehow with food.

shelly not for youNow the dilemma here is that most health professionals treat this very delicate belief system issue..this thinking problem like a food issue and just try to adjust the clients diet..taking out this..adding that..but of course, the it never lasts and your client feels defeated once again.


You got it..because its just not about the food. 

Now Im not saying that if you are eating piles of sugar for breakfast, lunch and dinner that you wont crave sugar. Im not saying there are not physical symptoms associated with food. But to change the behaviour patterns our clients are stuck in, we must change the thinking that has them pick up the food in the first place…so that they have the power to choose what they put in their mouths from one moment to the next.

Now this is a big, old topic with lots of juicy information that will really transform your practice and the way you connect with each and every one of your clients so I want to make sure you get ALL the information on each of these triggers, and how you can get rid of them..for good.

So be sure to join me this Tuesday at 6pm pst on a Free Webinar, as I share the proven cognitive strategy to help your clients break free of the 4 major triggers, for good!

This is for you if :

-You are a health professional who wants to expand their practice and learn how to successfully heal emotional eating! (About 90% of your clients ARE in fact eating emotionally in some way!)

-You are looking to powerfully serve in this industry and need tools that work long term to stop cravings and triggers for emotional eaters.

You are ready to go deeper with clients. You need to be inspired in your work, and you want to get at the bottom of what is keeping your clients stuck!

What you will walk away with from this free webinar:

-Build your client reach by learning how to work with emotional eaters successfully!
-Finally identify what is keeping your clients from following your recommendations and having them feel frustrated week after week
-Identify the 4 major triggers to emotional and compulsive eating and how to put them to rest for good!
-Understand why FOOD truly isn't the enemy and …what is!
-Use the tools of cognitive restructuring to help your clients get well, expand your programs and finally be able to serve emotional eaters with practical tools that work!
-Learn specific tools to get confident helping ANY emotional or compulsive eater.
-Walk away with proven systems to use in your practice immediately to get RESULTS with emotional eaters!


I look forward to sharing these juicy tips with you and I am giving you all I got, so don't miss it! Recording will be available only to those who are registered for the webinar- please sign up above!

In Unity and Freedom,

Shelley :)

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