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Food Freedom

SOUL work is often necessary for those who struggle with food. Some of the most profound work I have done with problematic eaters and coaches who do this work is to show them the TRUTH behind a problematic eater’s struggle, and how profoundly one can change when this is really understood. My latest publication for both problematic eaters, and those working as health professionals in the field unites cognitive behavioral therapy, soul integration and mindfulness to create long term health.

What is often missing in the recovery of a person with problematic eating (emotional eating, compulsive eating, stress eating, overeating) is a change of THINKING…it is about moving from automatic, compulsive thinking to mindful, rational thought. Although it seems quite easy and obvious that one should simply adjust their thinking and make different choices, it is often not so simple due to habit behaviors, unwritten rules that shape actions and distorted perception.

This manual is for individuals who suffer from any kind of Problematic Eating. It is helpful to use with the guidance of a qualified mentor and/or in a group workshop setting. This book will cover the “in between” time of a structured 12-week recovery program and it will share the necessary steps to a full recovery from Problematic Eating.

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