Sad, Ashamed and Totally Confused!

Hey Beauty, Im really glad you are here. It means that you are ready to move forward in your business- and your life. That you get that you are meant for more. Let me share with you a little about myself and my journey in case we haven't met..or I haven't shared enough about who I am over the past while..I can forget to do that sometimes!

I’m Shelley Ugyan, conscious success coach and founder of The Living Brilliant Mastermind and the Insight Advantage Formula. After transforming myself from being a bored and worn out teacher making $40K per year (plus having $60K of debt and loans) to now owning a six figure international conscious coaching and empowerment brand, I’ve experienced first-hand that it IS possible to make money doing what you love, make a positive impact on the lives of others and enjoy a beautiful lifestyle. I’ve now dedicated my life to empowering other women to create their dream businesses and manifest their desires.

If you’re just starting out—or starting over—and wondering if YOU can do this… I get it.

Our biggest dreams are often crushed when pursued incorrectly. If you’re like me, you may have even started and stopped multiple times!

Or maybe you’re just getting going, wary of the pitfalls that the naysayers warn you of. And maybe you’re just not sure if you have what it takes…


Not that long ago, I was a failure at my own coaching business, despite the fact that I was a GREAT coach. I was working 70 hour weeks and only bringing in $2500/ month max..while putting out tens of thousands of dollars in training!

I hated feeling like there was more, but just not knowing how to get there…

I felt sad, ashamed…. and totally confused. I wondered what was wrong with me.

Here I was with a Bachelors in Education, and half way through a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology, with 10 years experience in cognitive behavioral therapy, over $100,000 worth of training and decades mentoring others in cognitive techniques and mindfulness in places like Tibet, Thailand, London and India. I knew I had talent and the ability to serve, but my talent was 99.9% untapped. I wanted so badly to open the tap, let it all out, and flood the world and my life with goodness.


It wasn’t until I made the decision that I would no longer settle for this unfulfilling life—until I decided that what I desired was actually my divine destiny—that things began to turn around.

I stopped waiting for someone to recognize me or rescue me, and instead took total responsibility. I got real about what I wanted in life and manifested the money for the best mentorship I could find. I also finally learned what I needed to manage a business and, more importantly, myself.

In just a few short years I transformed my “unworthy” belief system, my distorted “money” story  and my “visibility” fears. I truly transformed my entire life.


I’m blessed to be in the position to help transform the lives of 12 amazing conscious women who are ready to do just that!

So What is Living Brilliance?

The Living Brilliance Mastermind is an in-depth 6-month program that can be accessed online and includes bi-weekly modules, weekly live coaching calls, plus a 20 minute laser coaching 1:1 monthly with Shelley. Not only that, but you will also have full access to a " Write and Publish a Book" Course in the Spring as part of the Mastermind. All of this to show you step-by-step how to create your dream business (including figuring out who you’re meant to serve, developing a brand you love plus making the money you deserve).

Who is Living Brilliance For?

You are woman who is done settling in all areas of life and you are ready to follow your dreams and create the dream life you have always desired! You understand that your business growth is equal to and proportionate to your own personal growth and development and you are ready to show up fully and receive support in abundance, while bringing an attitude of readiness, courage and passion to the tribe and your profound work!

Whether you are already making 5 figures, are starting a business from scratch or you have no idea what business to start, this is for you…as long as you will do whatever it takes to succeed!

Heres what we will dig into:

Cultivating boundaries Letting go of resistance and self-sabotage FOR GOOD The Coach Approach Communication Systems and Structures for Brilliant Online Positioning  Personal development and Wealth Mindset Mastering sales in authenticity and power Branding as uniquely YOU Creating Discovery Calls and ongoing relationships DAILY Staying focused and confident Making offers and creating programs

When you are 100% solid in WHO you are as a woman, you will be clear and confident in your business. This is where success is born! When you are clear about what you desire and where you are going- without compromise, you will manifest your hearts desire! In the next 6 months we are going to get very clear on just that. Who you are and what you want…without compromise!

Application and Info here: Living Brilliant Mastermind

Can't wait to see you on the inside..and if this is not for you, no problem!… Be sure to say hello in our Conscious Coaching Facebook Group. I have a bit of bandwidth before this starts to help out anymore who needs it- no strings attached! If you are stuck, need someone to run an idea by… or just want to look at the year to come Im happy to help in any way I can!

In Love and Unity,


PS- I am offering a free 1:1 intensive for the first 6 who sign up for Living Brilliance Mastermind…and we have only 1 spot left! Reply here with any questions at all :)

PPS- If you are a part of the Conscious Coaching Facebook Group- use the coupon below towards your entry to Living Brilliant :)

